Tokyo Chapter of FEW:

FEW March Meeting: Inspirational Women of NASA

Date: Thursday, March 10th, 2005 Time: 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Speaker: Calvin Seaman

Who among us has not wondered what it would be like to slip the bonds of earth and soar off into space in a rocket ship – destination adventure! These days, we see plenty of science fiction to spark our imaginations, but what is it really like? Who are some of the women who have "made it" in the traditionally male dominated field of space exploration? What have they accomplished, and what does it take to measure up to the challenges? Join us, as Mr. Calvin Seaman presents, "Inspirational Women of NASA." Travel with us on our journey to the Hubble Space Telescope, the Mars Exploration Rovers, the Cassini Mission to Saturn, and the Space Shuttle "Return to Flight" Mission.

FEW (Foreign Executive Women) is a non-profit networking organization for foreign women in Japan from all professional backgrounds.

Organization: Foreign Executive Women (Tokyo Chapter of FEW)

Cost: FEW Members: 2,000 yen, includes buffet dinner and drinks (Please note, this is a women-only event)
Non-members: 5,000 yen, includes buffet dinner and drinks (Please note, this is a women-only event)

Venue: Foreign Correspondent's Club of Japan, Yurakucho Denki Bldg. 20F, Yurakucho, Tokyo. See for map

Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan


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