IATEFL Learning Technologies SIG:

Third International Wireless Ready Symposium: Digital Technologies in Language Education

Date: Friday, February 20th, 2009 Time: 9:50 AM - 6:00 PM

Speaker: Keynote: Dr Gary Motteram (University of Manchester, UK). Call for papers due Dec 20, 2008

Wireless Ready brings together presenters and participants from around Japan and internationally to consider questions related to the use of digital technologies language classroom. A particular focus is Web 2.0 technologies and emerging CALL technologies. Call for papers now open until 20th December 2008. For more information about the event, or to submit a proposal, and to register for the event, please see the website.

Organization: The International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language, Learning Technologies Special Interest Group (IATEFL Learning Technologies SIG)

Cost: IATEFL Members: 2,000 (pre-registered) JALT / IATEFL / PacCALL
Non-members: 3,000 (non registered)

Venue: NUCB Graduate School, (Fushimi Campus) Nagoya University of Commerce and Business Nishiki 1-20-1, Naka-ku, Nagoya, Japan 460-0003

Location: Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan


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Contact IATEFL Learning Technologies SIG

Website: www.ltsig.org.uk/

Graham Stanley
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