IATEFL Learning Technologies SIG:

4th International Wireless Ready Symposium. Digital Asia: Language, Technology and Community

Date: Friday, February 19th, 2010 Time: 9:50 AM - 5:30 PM

Speaker: Keynote speakers Dr Hayo Reinders and Prof. Insung Jung (ICU, Tokyo)

4th International Wireless Ready Symposium Digital Asia: Language, Technology and Community (an IATEFL Learning Technologies SIG event). Since 2007 the Wireless Ready Symposium has grown considerably and it is now recognized as a regular feature of the events calendar for language educators with an interest in learning technologies. Hosted by the NUCB Graduate School in downtown Nagoya, the event is situated in the centre of the business and shopping district, only one subway stop from Nagoya Central Station. As in previous years we hope to offer the event in Second Life with live or recorded presentations at the Edunation II Amphitheater.

Pre-registration is open until January 15, 2010.

Organization: The International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language, Learning Technologies Special Interest Group (IATEFL Learning Technologies SIG)

Cost: Non-registered 3,000 yen, Registered 2,000 yen

Venue: NUCB Graduate School (Fushimi Campus), Nagoya University of Commerce and Business (web)

Location: Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan


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Contact IATEFL Learning Technologies SIG

Website: www.ltsig.org.uk/

Graham Stanley
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