ETJ Tokyo:

The 31st Tokyo English Language (TEL) Book Fair and ELT EXPO (day 1 of 2)

Date: Saturday, November 6th, 2010 Time: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Speaker: Presentations by prominent authors, trainers and local teachers.

Inviting all ELT professionals and those interested in English language learning and teaching.

Comprehensive displays of the latest ELT materials for children and adults.

Opportunity to meet others in your profession.

Presentations at the EXPO are for teachers of students of all ages and levels! Up-to-date presentation schedules can be downloaded from ELT Expo webpage.

For information about this and other ETJ Expos, go to ETJ Expos web page. To volunteer to help at the Tokyo Expo, send an e-mail to



Thinking beyond the story: "Expansive Reading" with graded readers
Andrew Archer
Intensive and extensive reading have been the two major approaches to reading or a long time. But Black Cat readers uses what we call "expansive reading", which goes beyond the text to expand learning in many directions. This presentation will explore "expansive reading" and what it has to offer.
Aimed at: ESL students of aged 4 and over.
Materials promoted: Black Cat Readers

Five fabulous favorites
Alan Miesch
A diverse sampling of the presenter's most successful classroom-tested teaching ideas. Included are activities suitable for all ages and levels of students, addressing pedagogical goals from phonics to fluency. Principles, implementation, and the nuts and bolts of preparation will be discussed. Attendees will have a chance to participate in demonstrations.
Aimed at: Private English schools/classrooms
Materials promoted: None

Activities for English for academic purposes
Raymond Yasuda
This presentation will cover the various activities used in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) courses in a successful content-based program. The exercises presented will focus on improving students' speaking and academic writing skills in both fluency and accuracy. These include Quick-Writing, Quick-Speaking, outlining, and the paragraph /essay writing process.
Aimed at: University and senior high school teachers.
Materials promoted: None

Task-based learning in elementary school contexts
James York
This workshop reviews my task-based learning (TBL) framework for elementary schools, and introduces how focus on form exercises can be used via collaborative-learning tasks. Participants will take away with them practical ideas for implementing TBL in elementary school contexts
Aimed at: Elementary school teachers, junior high school teachers, ALTs.
Materials promoted: None

PikiFriends: Safe and easy social Networking for secondary schools
Jeffrey Dionne
Jeffrey Dionne, M.Ed., will present PikiFriends, an online educational network for secondary schools worldwide. He will demonstrate how PikiFriends engages students to use English with each other in an authentic and safe setting, and how easy it is for teachers to incorporate it into any curriculum.
Aimed at: Junior and senior high school teachers
Materials promoted: None


Motivating teenagers and adults to communicate
David Paul
How can we teach university students or adults who are still beginners or high beginners when they try to communicate? How can we teach junior/senior high schools so that they get a good foundation in communicative skills. 'Communicate', a course for Japanese beginners, addresses these needs, and will be published in a completely new edition early next year.
Aimed at: Teachers of teenagers and adults
Materials promoted: Communicate

Offshore investment options available to teachers in Tokyo
Nicholas Webb
A small presentation and Q&A session on investment options available to you in English while you are living and working in Japan. Come and get the information that could help you with your financial planning for the future.
Aimed at: All teachers thinking about their financial future
Promoted: IFG Asia

Team teaching: This is how we do it.
Aurora Dobashis / Yumiko Matsumoto
Aurora and Yumiko will share the ideas that they use in their junior high school classes. Attendees will participate in activities that make the best use of the skills of both members of the teaching team. Towards the end of the presentation, attendees will participate in the exchange of ideas on how team teaching (between ALT and JET especially) work successfully.
Aimed at: Elementary and junior high school teachers
Materials promoted: None

Utilizing classroom space
Andy Boon
I will examine ways teachers can utilize the physical space in the classroom to maximize opportunities for student interaction, involvement, and learning. Everyday classroom layouts will be described as well as how the physical space and furnishings can be used to positively affect student motivation and performance.
Aimed at: All
Materials promoted: None

Introducing the Kids Word Engine!
Guy Cihi
The presenter will demonstrate the latest features of the Word Engine and then introduce how Lexxica is preparing a Kids Word Engine that will offer both a free online phonics course and a whole-word vocabulary course with graded reading and listening materials. The new Kids program will be suitable for elementary school students. A new series of phonics workbooks and beautifully illustrated first readers will also be introduced.
Aimed at: All
Materials promoted: Word Engine

Turnitin - the problem of plagiarism and what you can you do about it
Jason Good
54% of students in the US admit to plagiarizing from the internet. 47% of students believe their teachers sometimes choose to ignore students who are cheating. We'll look at the issue, and also look at Turnitin antiplagiarism service, used by half a million teachers worldwide, and growing fast!
Aimed at: High school / university
Promoted: Turnitin antiplagiarism service

Integrating a free online flashcard site with a university reading course Dan Ferreira Proactively learning and retaining new words in an extensive reading course at the university level is a huge challenge for our students. In this presentation, I will share some ideas on how to integrate a free online vocabulary flashcard system known as "Anki Online" with a university level reading course.
Aimed at: University Teachers
Materials promoted: None

Motivate your students with 'Let's Chat!'
John Pak
John will introduce his textbook for university speaking classes and explain how it can be used to motivate your students to speak up in class. The book includes dialogs, pair and group activities that promote using English for communication, and enjoyable games.
Aimed at: Teachers of speaking and conversation classes (university and high school)
Materials promoted: Let's Chat


The joy of teaching young learners through music and movement
Kathy Kampa
Walk past a classroom of young learners. You'll often see and hear children actively engaged in learning English through music and movement strategies-songs, chants, finger plays, transitional songs, and rhymes. Come and learn new songs and chants, and discover music and movement strategies to build upon pronunciation, fluency, and more!
Aimed at: Teachers of young learners
Materials promoted: Magic Time

The goal driven class - We can do it with WE CAN!
David White
When children achieve goals during their English classes, they become more motivated to study and parents and teachers can easily check their progress! But how exactly can a teacher bring goals into the lesson? In this presentation, experience how chants, games and extension materials fit into the goal driven class.
Aimed at: Teachers of young learners
Materials promoted: We Can

Podcasting in the EFL classroom
Damon Brewster / Hans von Dietze
This presentation demonstrates that one of the latest phenomena born out of digital technology, podcasting, can be used effectively for language learning purposes. We start with a look at the background to podcasting before outlining a practical project that involves language learners creating their own podcasts in a university setting.
Aimed at: Junior High, High school and University teachers
Materials promoted: None

Using student essay blogs to elicit student opinions
Walter Kasmer
Using student blogs is a good way to motivate students to express their opinions on a global platform. Workshop participants will learn the basics of setting up the blog and getting student material with a focus on 1) cohesiveness and 2) writing for communication over grammatical accuracy.
Aimed at: Primarily university teachers, but could be of use to high school teachers as well.
Materials promoted: None

Get neuro-psyched! Improve memory and learning
Robert Murphy
Want to improve your memory!? Robert S. Murphy will discuss provocative new discoveries in brain research, memory, and learning. The content, stemming from his research at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, is cutting-edge yet highly practical! There will be a good balance between theory and fantastic hands-on applications.
Aimed at: All
Materials promoted: Optimal Levels!, Deeper Understanding Books

Story telling with felt boards
Philip Garden
This presentation will demonstrate the many uses of felt boards in the EFL classroom. In particular we will be looking at using felt boards as a tool to increase student interaction in storytelling. The presentation will also show how to cheaply make your own felt board.
Aimed at: Pre-school and elementary teachers
Materials promoted: The presentation will promote felt educational resources

Introducing a negotiated syllabus
Philip Shigeo Brown
A negotiated syllabus involves learners in deciding course content, fuelling motivation by offering greater autonomy and ownership. This workshop demonstrates how a negotiated syllabus was introduced in different contexts (Peace Boat, private, and company classes), and then encourages participants to reflect and discuss possible teaching implications for their own context.
Aimed at: Adults, university
Materials promoted: None

Assisting students to arrange study abroad programs
Jim Forsyth
Once students have started studying EFL, they are more likely to become interested in supplementing or extending their study with a short group tour, or a longer individual course abroad. Some Junior Highs, many High Schools, and most universities and colleges have in-house programs. Language school owners are well-positioned to offer programs to students not catered to by their institutes.
Aimed at: Mainly language school owners, but also of interest to those involved in their institutes' study abroad programs.
Sponsored by OPM


Choosing the right extensive reading materials
Rob Waring
This talk will present a list of many of the graded reading materials available in Japan. It will also set out some criteria for selecting the most appropriate materials for your classes.
Aimed at: Junior high and above
Materials promoted: Cengage graded readers

From sleepyheads to Involved learners
Andy Boon
How can we utilize classroom dynamics to maximize learning opportunities? How can we establish environments that spark students' natural curiosity? How do we sustain learner interest? The presenter will demonstrate various activities from American Headway Second Edition that strive to maximize student involvement in the classroom learning experience and beyond.
Aimed at: Teachers of adults and young adults
Materials promoted: American Headway

Developing critical thinking skills through understanding world politics and global issues
Jennie Roloff
As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, competent global citizenship has never been of greater importance. This presentation will discuss a course on world politics for 3rd and 4th year university students designed to promote critical thinking skills, informed global citizenship and the abilities of speaking and writing about complex ideas.
Aimed at: University, business, teachers of adult learners
Materials promoted: None

Ways to improve classroom presentations: A systemic functional grammar approach
Peter McDonald
Recent research suggests presentations created through software applications (PowerPoint, keynote) are harder to process for the listener than has previously been accounted for. This presentation will summarize this research and show how systemic functional grammar can be used as a tool that will improve the creation and comprehension of presentations.
Aimed at: Teachers who use technology in the classroom.
Materials promoted: None

Teaching English conversation to large groups of low-intermediate university students
Stephen Richmond / Jennifer Teeter
Many university conversation teachers, especially when teaching large groups, experience trouble in getting students to actively communicate. Students have had years of English instruction, but little chance to put their knowledge into practice in the form of meaningful, real-time conversations. The presenters will introduce ways to manage such groups so that almost all students are (gently) compelled to speak actively and in a culturally appropriate way.
Aimed at: University level English conversation teachers
Materials promoted: Conversations in Class New Edition

Teaching writing online for university students
Abhishek Goel
How can Japanese universities ensure that ALL their graduate students and young researchers receive the training they need to write good research papers for publication? Online training could be the answer. We will present our experiences in developing and teaching online academic writing courses for two universities in Japan.
Aimed at: University teachers
Promoted: Research/academic writing courses

Are first impressions everything?
Leander Hughes
Do students' first impressions of us as language teachers really matter? Join the presenter as he shares current findings in social psychology as well as the results of his own research and discover just how much first impressions can tell us.
Aimed at: Junior high school teachers and up
Materials promoted: None

Is the language school industry dead? Is now an opportunity?
Dean Rogers
From a peak of 9.6m students in 2006 to 4.2 million in 2009 the decline has caused major downsizing and bankruptcies. The industry according to METI has had a massive decline in student enrollment total ling near 60% over the last 3 years. Is this the Death Knoll of Eikaiwa, or the greatest opportunity in 30+ years? Dean Rogers CEO of Dean Morgan Academies will be discussing the decline of the industry, and will focus on where the opportunities lie in the current market.
Aimed at: Teachers, Language School owners, people considering building their own schools.
Materials promoted: None


Business English success for every student
Noriko Ono / Charles Ullman
The key to success in any job is having the right tools. In ELT, nowhere is this as true as when teaching business English. This bilingual presentation will introduce two up-to-date and effective business English course books from Oxford; Business Venture: Third Edition for pre-work and low-level in-work students and Business Result, the complete tool for elementary to advanced students.
Aimed at: Teachers interested in business English
Materials promoted: BV/BR bilingual presentation

Personal construct psychology and its implications in the classroom
David Paul
Personal construct psychology involves the notion that reality is always experienced from a personal perspective. Another key aspect is that we choose to do what we anticipate will most likely improve our understanding and our ability to anticipate. David Paul will demonstrate how these and other related insights have deep implications for how to teach effectively.
Aimed at: Teachers or all age groups.
Materials promoted: PCP has had a deep influence on all David Paul's books.

Teaching and using classroom objects
Alex Case
After looking at the wealth of potential language that is around you in the classroom, we will share ideas on how to use the objects that students see every day to teach all kinds of other language such as prepositions and tenses, all with no additional materials and minimal preparation.
Aimed at: Teachers of young learners, especially those teaching large classes
Materials promoted: None

ETJ Tokyo Annual General Meeting
ETJ Tokyo members
This meeting is open to everyone. The agenda will include the secretary's and treasurer's reports for the previous twelve months, and the election of committee members for the next twelve months. Come and find out what we do.
Aimed at: All teachers living and/or working in the Tokyo area
Materials promoted: None

Learning through classic stories
Patricia Daly Oe
In this presentation, author and teacher, Patricia Daly Oe, will demonstrate how traditional stories such as The Enormous Turnip and Goldilocks and the Three Bears can be effectively used in the classroom for vocabulary building, fluency, developing reading and writing skills and enjoying creative activities.
Aimed at: Teachers of children (pre-school and elementary school age)
Materials promoted: RIC Publications

Task-based narrow reading
Michael Stout
A Task-based approach is one where students have to complete meaningful tasks and in this way engage with language. Narrow Reading is an approach to reading described by Stephen Krashen. It describes reading within one genre and becoming familar with the vocabulary and literary conventions associated with that genre. The Fiction in Action series is a series of reading texts which takes both approaches.
Aimed at: University and high school teachers
Materials promoted: Fiction in Action: Whodunit

Extensive speaking and writing through extensive reading and listening
Sakai Kunihide
The presenter would like to show that the allegedly ineffective English teaching/learning in Japan can and may be improved through massive reading/listening of very easy materials. In this talk the presenter will focus on the present lack of comprehensible input in English classrooms in Japan and examples of its remedies.
Aimed at: All
Materials promoted: None

Thematic English learning for elementary school students
Junko Machida
With eight thematic unit lessons focusing on international education, "your world" provides a content based approach to cultivating learners holistic language skills as well as global awareness and self-esteem. The speaker will introduce how this material works in the classroom.
Aimed at: Teachers of young learners
Materials promoted: Your World

4:45-5:30 Charity English Language Teaching Quiz
Quizmaster: Russell Willis
Come and watch teams of teachers and publishers compete to win 50,000 yen to donate to the charity of their choice -- and test your knowledge of all things ELT! Each member of the audience will also have the chance to win an Apple iPad on the spot. Each audience member will have their name put into a hat, if it's drawn, they get the chance to answer 5 ELT-related questions, chosen at random, to win the iPad.
Aimed at: All
Promoted: /

Successful student-generated newsletter projects
Joyce Cunningham
This presentation describes a student-generated class newsletter project. Reporter teams brainstorm areas of interest for a real exchange audience. They then research, interview, and write up their reports. Microsoft Publisher is used to create an attractive final product. Time on task can take from six weeks to one semester.
Aimed at: University, senior high school
Materials promoted: None

Highly effective English pronunciation instruction methods
Hajime Nihei
In this class you will understand the basics of pronunciation from a tongue, mouth position, and physical creation standpoint. Charting out how the various core sounds in English are formed and how and why Japanese struggle to create sounds such as L, R, V, and B. Useful knowledge for any teacher looking to help their students sound and speak more naturally.
Aimed at: Teachers interested in teaching pronunciation
Promoted: Hummingbird / Dean Morgan

Classroom dynamics: Cohesion
Steven Paydon
Classroom cohesion provides students with a secure learning environment. This encourages them to interact, creating a positive group dynamic that can be harnessed to improve the effectiveness of lessons. This workshop backgrounds the theory behind this premise, and then takes participants through a variety of exercises designed to develop cohesion.
Aimed at: Any teachers who teach groups
Materials promoted: None

Student autonomy; Approaches and activities for language learning
Darrell Wilkinson
This presentation will focus on nurturing student autonomy in order to help students become efficient, independent, life-long language learners. First, an explanation of the benefits of learner autonomy will be given. Next a number of activities that can be utilized in a variety of language courses will be described.
Aimed at: University and College Teachers.
Materials promoted: None

Organization: ETJ Tokyo (English Teachers in Japan) (ETJ Tokyo)

Cost: ETJ Members: 500 yen per day
Non-members: 1,000 yen per day

Venue: Toyo Gakuen University, Building 1, Hongo Campus (in the centre of Tokyo), 1-26-3, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku

Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan


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Ellie Kumagai and Chinny Mbakwe
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