Temple University Japan:

TUJ Tokyo Distinguished Lecturer Series: The Architecture of Assessment

Date: Saturday, September 29th, 2012 Time: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Speaker: Glenn Fulcher (University of Leicester)

This seminar will explore testing practices through the metaphor of architectural design. This approach has been developed over the last five years in order to deal with emerging issues such as the use of existing tests for audiences and purposes for which they were not originally intended. However, the notion that test design is comparable to architectural practice has relevance to the entire testing enterprise. The metaphor sits very comfortably with pragmatic approaches to assessment that foreground "effect-driven design", or designing tests with their intended effect in mind. This not only allows a systematic approach to test design and use within clearly defined statements of test purpose, but provides a framework within which the legitimate use of tests can be evaluated. The advantage is that both design, principles of use, and ethics of practice, can be combined into a single framework for design and evaluation. The first three hours of the seminar will outline the theory of test architecture, and set out within this framework the importance of assessment literacy for a range of stakeholders. This section of the seminar will be primarily input.

For more information, please see the TUJ website.

About the Distinguished Lecturer Series:

Nine times a year, the Temple University Distinguished Lecturer Series brings internationally-recognized TESOL scholars to TUJ for intensive weekend seminars. Each seminar can be taken for elective credit for the master's and doctoral degrees. The first three hours of each Saturday session are free and open to the public. Weekend seminars are free for M.S.Ed. and Ed.D. alumni of Temple University, Japan Campus; the fee for other weekend auditors is 12,500 yen.

Organization: Temple University Japan

Cost: free for the first 3 hours

Venue: Temple University Japan, Tokyo map

Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan


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Website: www.tuj.ac.jp/tesol/seminars/

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