EventsHokkaidoHokkaido Prefecture › Muroran City

ELT Calendar for Muroran City

Events of professional interest to language teachers in Muroran City.


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Groups Active In Muroran City

Listed in decreasing order by the number of events on ELT Calendar by each group in Muroran City. (The ELT Calendar database goes back to 2001.)

Past Events in Muroran City

Here are some of the past events in Muroran City.

Asia-Pacific Virtual Exchange Association (APVEA) 2015
Date: July 18th (Saturday) 2015
Speaker: Melinda Dooly (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona), Thom Rawson (Nagasaki International University)
Organization: Hokkaido JALT
First line of description: Come and learn how virtual exchange is connecting students across the world.

Summer Moodle Workshop
Date: July 18th (Saturday) 2015
Speaker: Masumi Kameda (Tokyo University of Science, Yamaguchi)
Organization: Hokkaido JALT
First line of description: Jointly held with the Asia Pacific Virtual Exchange Association's (APVEA) inaugural conference.