Niigata JALT:

Warmers and Fillers Revisited

Date: Saturday, April 13th, 2019 Time: 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Speaker: Eli Pappas

Warm-up and filler activities are great ways to assist students in the learning of English, but how can we expand on them, and implement them more effectively? This workshop will show the effectiveness of simplicity, and how adaptable these activities are to students of all grades, from elementary 3rd-year to senior high school. This workshop will offer simple ways to expand on these activities, and how to involve the contents of the student's textbooks to facilitate their learning of English. Activities will include 'Sentence Snake' and the conversation version of 'Dungeons and Dragons'. Finally, a case study will be shown, with attendees participating in the activities in the hopes to prove their effectiveness and viability. This workshop is suited to all ALTs and JTEs at the Elementary, Junior and Senior high levels, as well as those working in tertiary education.

Organization: Niigata Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (Niigata JALT)

Cost: JALT Members: free
Non-members: 500 yen (first time = free)

Venue: Go to the 2nd floor of the Plaka 1 building just outside the South Exit of Niigata Station. The meeting rooms are just above the famous Junkudo Bookstore

Location: Niigata City, Niigata Prefecture, Japan


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Contact Niigata JALT


Howard Brown
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