EventsChugoku / ShikokuHiroshima Prefecture › Higashihiroshima City

ELT Calendar for Higashihiroshima City

Events of professional interest to language teachers in Higashihiroshima City.


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Groups Active In Higashihiroshima City

Listed in decreasing order by the number of events on ELT Calendar by each group in Higashihiroshima City. (The ELT Calendar database goes back to 2001.)

Past Events in Higashihiroshima City

Here are some of the past events in Higashihiroshima City.

Using Technology to Improve Students' English Skills
Date: January 21st (Monday) 2019
Speaker: Adrian Leis (Miyagi University of Education)
Organization: Institute for Foreign Language Research and Education, Hiroshima University
First line of description: In recent years, there has been a large increase in the number of teachers using technology in their classrooms.

The 11th Annual JALT Pan-SIG Conference 2012
Date: June 17th (Sunday) 2012
Speaker: Plenary speakers Thomas Cobb (University of Quebec in Montreal), Hiromi Nagao (Hiroshima Jogakuin University), Toshihiko Shiotsu (Kurume University)
Organization: PanSIG Conference
First line of description: The 11th Annual Pan-SIG Conference will be held on Saturday and Sunday, June 16th and 17th, 2012 at Hiroshima University.

The 11th Annual JALT Pan-SIG Conference 2012
Date: June 16th (Saturday) 2012
Speaker: Plenary speakers Thomas Cobb (University of Quebec in Montreal), Hiromi Nagao (Hiroshima Jogakuin University), Toshihiko Shiotsu (Kurume University)
Organization: PanSIG Conference
First line of description: The 11th Annual the JALT Pan-SIG Conference will be held on Saturday and Sunday, June 16th and 17th, 2012 at Hiroshima University.