EventsKyushuKagoshima Prefecture › Kagoshima City

ELT Calendar for Kagoshima City

Events of professional interest to language teachers in Kagoshima City.


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Groups Active In Kagoshima City

Listed in decreasing order by the number of events on ELT Calendar by each group in Kagoshima City. (The ELT Calendar database goes back to 2001.)

Past Events in Kagoshima City

Here are some of the past events in Kagoshima City.

Oxford Teaching Workshop Series 2018 - Motivate, Encourage and Empower: Smart approaches to help students grow as learners
Date: March 10th (Saturday) 2018
Speaker: Rob Peacock, Daryl Haywood, Kathleen Kampa and Charles Vilina
Organization: OUP Kids' Club
First line of description: Come and join Oxford at this years Oxford Teaching Workshop series! This interactive and informative event will feature lively and hands-on workshops for teachers of young learners and will stop at ten cities throughout Japan.

English study home stay: A case study
Date: August 17th (Thursday) 2017
Speaker: Kayoko and Kunie
Organization: NanKyu JALT
First line of description: A 60-photo PowerPoint presentation in English and Japanese about a 3-week home stay in Chester, UK, involving 26 university students.

Specialised English at Art Universities in Japan
Date: March 15th (Tuesday) 2016
Speaker: Will Hall and Eric Luong
Organization: NanKyu JALT
First line of description: In this talk we will outline the situation of English language education in specialist art universities in Japan.

The JACET 54th (2015) International Convention (day 3 of 3)
Date: August 31st (Monday) 2015
Speaker: TBA
Organization: National JACET
First line of description: The theme of this conference is Intercultural Communicative Competence and English Language Education in a Globalized World.

The JACET 54th (2015) International Convention (day 2 of 3)
Date: August 30th (Sunday) 2015
Speaker: TBA
Organization: National JACET
First line of description: The theme of this conference is Intercultural Communicative Competence and English Language Education in a Globalized World.

The JACET 54th (2015) International Convention (day 1 of 3)
Date: August 29th (Saturday) 2015
Speaker: TBA
Organization: National JACET
First line of description: The theme of this conference is Intercultural Communicative Competence and English Language Education in a Globalized World.

The 27th Annual Conference of JACET Kyushu-Okinawa Chapter
Date: July 5th (Sunday) 2015
Speaker: Several speakers
Organization: Kyushu-Okinawa JACET
First line of description: The theme is College English Education Aimed at Active Learning: Designing Curricula for Collaborative Learning and Learner Autonomy.

Games and Activities that Work for Me
Date: March 14th (Saturday) 2015
Speaker: Various
Organization: ETJ Kagoshima
First line of description: Kagoshima ETJ will be having its first meeting in 5 years, so this is an opportunity for all teachers of English to participate in a renewal support for teachers of children in Kagoshima, whether it is to pay it forward by sharing one of your favourite classroom games or activities or just learning from more experienced teachers.

Nightmare On Literature Street: Fight For Your Right To Use It
Date: March 13th (Friday) 2015
Speaker: Paul Hullah (Meiji Gakuin University)
Organization: NanKyu JALT
First line of description: NanKyu JALT chapter meeting.

Bill Harley - The Mark Twain of Contemopary Children's Music.
Date: November 4th (Tuesday) 2014
Speaker: Bill Harley
Organization: NanKyu JALT
First line of description: Bill harley has won two Grammys for his children's entertainer and storyteller CDs.

Informal get-together
Date: April 18th (Friday) 2014
Speaker: None
Organization: Kagoshima JALT
First line of description: Farewell party for the Kagoshima JALT Treasurer Lee Glennister, who is returning to England.

Back by Popular Demand: The Best Presentation of 2011!
Date: January 22nd (Sunday) 2012
Speaker: Speaker to be announced
Organization: Kagoshima JALT
First line of description: This is a chance to see the most popular Presentation of 2011! If you missed it the first time around this is the perfect opportunity to see our best presentation of the year.

Kagoshima JALT AGM & Party
Date: November 19th (Saturday) 2011
Speaker: Miscellaneous
Organization: Kagoshima JALT
First line of description: Initially we will hold our AGM.

Halloween: Going beyond Jack-o-Lantern
Date: September 9th (Friday) 2011
Speaker: My Share Seminar
Organization: Kagoshima JALT
First line of description: Come along to this "My Share" seminar to find out about how we can use the theme of Halloween to teach so much more than pumpkins, vampires and ghosts.

What is Red?
Date: March 28th (Sunday) 2010
Speaker: David Lisgo
Organization: ETJ Kagoshima
First line of description: David Lisgo will explore the areas of pre-reading and initial reading skills through the use of simple materials, songs, games and activities for their practical use in the classroom.