Kumamoto JALT:

Stories from the Heart

Date: Saturday, March 17th, 2001 Time: 6:00 PM - 6:50 PM

Speaker: Curtis Kelly, Heian Women's University

Stories are magic. If you have ever told them in the classroom, then you know their power. They are more comprehensible than any other format, and they touch the learner's heart. As one college student wrote: "The story makes me grow up every time." Let us explore the power of stories together: why they appeal to us and how you can use them to humanize your class. In addition to some general theories, the presenter will give you some heart-warming stories to try out yourself. About the presenter: Curtis Kelly, a 20-year resident of Japan, is the author Cambridge's new composition textbook, Writing from Within. He has also written Significant Scribbles, Basics in Writing, The Snoop Detective Conversation Book, and other textbooks. He is a professor of English at Heian Women's University and is currently finishing a doctorate on web-based training and adult education.

Organization: Kumamoto Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (Kumamoto JALT)

Cost: JALT Members: free
Non-members: free (Sponsored by Cambridge University Press)

Venue: Kumamoto Shimin Kaikan (Room 7 on the second floor)

Location: Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan


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Website: www.kyushuelt.com/jalt/kumamoto.html