Kagoshima JALT:

Picture Books in EFL Classrooms

Date: Saturday, June 23rd, 2007 Time: 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Speaker: Mayuka Habbick and Naoko McLellan

Experience how to make good use of authentic picture books with young EFL learners.

Stories help children become aware of the general 'feel' and sound of the foreign language. Stories also introduce children to language items and sentence constructions without their necessarily having to use them productively. (Andrew Wright, 2001). Giving young learners an opportunity to this language awareness experience is essential for later foreign language learning. Understanding how children acquire a foreign language from the point of child growth and learning process, the presenters will introduce how picture books can be a good source of language learning. Many easy but meaningful and practical activities that will deepen their understanding and that are FUN will be introduced through pre-reading, while-reading, and post-reading activities.

Organization: Kagoshima Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (Kagoshima JALT)

Cost: JALT Members: free
Non-members: 1000 yen

Venue: Kokusai Koryu Centre, Meeting Rooms A:B, Sendai City, Kagoshima Prefecture

Location: Sendai-shi City, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan


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