Fukuoka JALT:

Online English Learning: Resources, Activities and Evidence

Date: Sunday, May 28th, 2017 Time: 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Speaker: Paul Raine

New location, on a Sunday
Please note that Fukuoka JALT is trying a completely new location this month, Tenjin, Fukuoka City: Kurume University Satellite Campus. It is in the ELGALA building, just next to Daimaru, close to the Tenjin Minami subway station. Level 6, room 601-2.

As English language teachers, our day-to-day profession consists of three main strands: creating resources, administering activities, and gathering evidence of learning from students. These three strands tend to be present no matter what theoretical approach to teaching we adopt.

In recent years, we are seeing a move toward online learning for a vast array subjects, and language learning is no exception. Learner Management Systems (LMS) such as Moodle are used by the majority of academic institutions, and there are a wide range of online resources and activities available to English language learners.

There has yet to emerge, however, an online platform designed specifically for teachers and learners of English as a Foreign Language. Such a platform should of course provide class management functions, and digital resource distribution facilities. However, it should also provide digital activities specifically geared toward learning EFL, and a way for teachers to track their students progress in these activities. These activities should take advantage of the latest web technologies, including text-to-speech and speech recognition.

This is where Apps 4 EFL steps in. Apps 4 EFL is a free, cross-device compatible Web Based Language Learning (WBLL) platform developed by the presenter. It aims to bring a range of online English learning activities under one roof, and allow students to study autonomously at any time, in any place, whilst also allowing teachers to track and control their students' learning in detail.

This event is co-sponsored by the CALL SIG of JALT.

Organization: Fukuoka Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (Fukuoka JALT)

Cost: JALT Members: free
Non-members: 1,000 yen

Venue: Tenjin, Fukuoka City: Kurume University Satellite Campus (ELGALA building, next to Daimaru, near Tenjin Minami station, room 601-2 map

Location: Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan


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Contact Fukuoka JALT

Website: www.fukuokajalt.org

Trevor Holster
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