Gifu JALT:

Gifu JALT Presentations: 1. Increasing Diversity From Within; 2. The Purpose and Development of the JALT Code of Conduct

Date: Saturday, January 27th, 2018 Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Speaker: Brent Simmonds (Aichi Gakuin University) and Tanja McCandie (Meijo University)

(1) Increasing Diversity From Within
The Japan Association for Language Teaching's (JALT) mission states "JALT promotes excellence in language learning, teaching, and research by providing opportunities for those involved in language education to meet, share, and collaborate." ( Conferences, chapter meetings and publications are ways that JALT promotes and provide opportunities to its members. However, based on chapter presentations analysis, there is a great imbalance of representation based on gender and ethnicity, even when taking into account membership demographics. Not all members feel that JALT is meeting their needs. Primarily, women, both Japanese and non-Japanese, are missing out on networking and career opportunities because they are underrepresented at the chapter level. The presenter will discuss how JALT could transform to better suit the needs and interests of many of its members, and how it could become more inclusive and offer better support to adjunct, contract, and non-tenure teachers. Ideas and feedback from participants is highly encouraged.

(2) The Purpose and Development of the JALT Code of Conduct
The code of conduct was developed due to several unpleasant incidents at JALT conferences over a number of years. The presentation will be in two parts. In the first part, the presenters will outline the development of the code of conduct followed by a discussion. In the second part the audience will be invited to develop ways to demonstrate the code to conference goers and suggest ways how ideas can be used in the classroom.

Organization: Gifu Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (Gifu JALT)

Cost: JALT Members: free
Non-members: 1000 yen (free for Japanese uni students)

Venue: JR Gifu Juroku Plaza - Kenshuushitsu 1 map

Location: Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture, Japan


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Michael Sherbourne
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