EventsKansaiHyogo Prefecture › Amgasaki City

ELT Calendar for Amgasaki City

Events of professional interest to language teachers in Amgasaki City.


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Groups Active In Amgasaki City

Listed in decreasing order by the number of events on ELT Calendar by each group in Amgasaki City. (The ELT Calendar database goes back to 2001.)

Past Events in Amgasaki City

Here are some of the past events in Amgasaki City.

Summer Seminar 2014 on Language Teaching and Learning
Date: July 5th (Saturday) 2014
Speaker: Matthew T. Apple (Ritsumeikan University), Toru Nakahara (Osaka Prefectural Board of Education), Matthew Cook (Osaka Prefectural Board of Education). Call for papers due June 1st
Organization: Research Institute for Communication of Kansai University of International Studies
First line of description: This is an annual one-day mini-conference, which aims to share ideas on a wide range of topics on language teaching and learning to help teachers prepare for the autumn semester.

Summer Seminar 2013: KUIS 12th Conference on Language Teaching and Learning
Date: July 20th (Saturday) 2013
Speaker: Atsuko Takase (Kinki University, Osaka), Hajime Narita (Osaka University)
Organization: Research Institute for Communication of Kansai University of International Studies
First line of description: This is an annual one-day mini-conference, which aims to share ideas on a wide range of topics on language teaching and learning to help teachers prepare for the autumn semester.