ETJ Nagano:

ETJ-Nagano First Meeting and Idea Exchange

Date: Sunday, February 25th, 2007 Time: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Speaker: Various

A regional ETJ-Nagano group is starting in Nagano City. We'll have our first meeting on February 25th from 5pm to 7pm at Noah Learning Center in Hongo Station on the Dentetsu Line. Space at the venue is limited, so please RSVP with Theron at The meeting will comprise two parts.

For the first part please bring a class idea or activity for teaching kids to share. During this time we'll conduct a roundtable discussion and idea-sharing session.

In the second part, volunteers will be solicited to form a core committee of officers for ETJ-Nagano. These volunteers will serve as interim officers until elections can be held at a future meeting. If you're interested in being an officer you are also welcome to contact Theron before the event. It would be great to have some volunteers to help make sure reception, membership, and fees collection goes smoothly at our first meeting. Theron hopes that the first meeting will be conducted in a friendly, informal atmosphere and that we can start to shape our collective vision for the group through this first get-together. We'll also try to decide the date and time of our next meeting.

Costs of attending are 300 yen for ETJ members and 500 yen for non-members. Membership is free and attendees can sign up on the day. The costs of attendance will be used to cover refreshments available during the meeting. Any excess will be added to the ETJ-Nagano treasury with the intention of reimbursing the transportation costs of future guest speakers at our meetings.

Organization: ETJ Nagano (English Teachers in Japan) (ETJ Nagano)

Cost: ETJ Members: 300 yen (you can join ETJ for free at the meeting)
Non-members: 500 yen

Venue: Noah Learning Center, Hongo Station Bldg 2F, Miwa 3-15-9, Nagano-shi, Nagano-ken, 380-0803

Location: Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture, Japan


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Contact ETJ Nagano


Chris Clancy
Email QR Code:

Phone (work): 026-286-313
Mobile phone: 080-3173-0055