Temple University Japan:

Language Learning Strategies

Date: Saturday, November 9th, 2002 Time: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Speaker: Peter Yongqi Gu, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

This seminar by Dr. Peter Yongqi Gu will introduce the theoretical background, research issues, and practical applications of language learning strategies, beginning with a conceptualization of language learning strategies and a discussion of the significance of learning strategies in a broader theory of second language acquisition. We will next outline a four-part model of

  • person,
  • task,
  • context, and
  • strategies.
This model will help anchor an understanding of language learning strategies. We will then review the history of empirical research on the topic and summarize the findings. In the full weekend, we will also look at specific examples of the current research on learning strategies for specific tasks (e.g., vocabulary) and in different contexts (e.g., EFL in China and ESL in Singapore). This research sheds light on our understanding of language learning strategies and also shows how learners and teachers can be empowered with knowledge of learning strategies. We will also explore methodological issues in research on learning strategies. Specific topics will include:
  1. strategies: prototypical core and dimensions of variation;
  2. language learning strategies and language use strategies;
  3. person, task, context, and strategies: A tetrahedral model;
  4. learning strategies and learning outcomes;
  5. research on language learning strategies;
  6. vocabulary learning strategies;
  7. strategy training and strategy engineering.
The seminar will be conducted in a lecture-discussion-workshop format. Ample opportunities will be provided for participants to reflect upon the topics and to relate the issues in question to the language learning/teaching context in Japan.
This seminar is part of TUJ's Distinguished Lecturer Series. Note that each seminar is actually 2 days long, apx. 7 hours per day. The first three hours of each seminar are free and open to the public. To attend both days of the weekend seminar costs 10,500 yen for the general public (free for M.Ed. and Ed.D. alumni of Temple University Japan). Please see the TUJ Tokyo web site for full details.

Organization: Temple University Japan

Cost: TUJ Members: free for M.Ed. and Ed.D. alumni of Temple University Japan
Non-members: free (first three hours)

Venue: Temple University Japan, Tokyo Center, 2-8-12 Minami Azabu; Minato-ku, Tokyo

Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan


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