Tokyo British Council:

Dealing with Reading and Listening in the Classroom

Date: Sunday, July 17th, 2005 Time: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Speaker: Hamish Buchan

In this course we will look at the micro skills involved in reading and listening and give ideas for practising these skills in class. An important part of this workshop will be looking at how we can use texts in course books more effectively. Some popular theories will be examined. We will also explore the issues and look at ways teachers can support students through different activity types. We will also look at ways to exploit listening and reading texts in course books so that the actual skills are being developed rather than just tested. Learner training in listening will also be addressed.

Organization: The British Council Tokyo Centre (Tokyo British Council)

Cost: 10500

Venue: British Council 1-2 Kagurazaka Shinjuku-ku Tokyo

Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan


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Neil Stead
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