ETJ Oita:

ETJ-Oita 2nd Workshop

Date: Sunday, July 31st, 2005 Time: 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Speaker: Simon Weedon and Oliver Kavanagh

There are two workshops today. The first is Re-presenting language with different activities (Simon Weedon). This presentation will look at using a variety of different activities to present the same language a number of times. Often students don't get enough exposure to language forms, or they lose interest and motivation when the language is presented again in an unoriginal way. By using a range of activities students can get the exposure they need to internalize language without losing interest.
The second topic is Teaching listening skills (Oliver Kavanagh). All too often classroom approaches expect listening to emerge only htrough exposure, or simply test listening without teaching the students HOW to listen effectively. The presentation will look at a variety of ways to teach listening from kids up to high school students.

Organization: ETJ Oita (English Teachers in Japan) (ETJ Oita)

Cost: ETJ Members: 500 yen
Non-members: 1000 yen

Venue: Oita City, Compal Hall Room 302

Location: Oita City, Oita Prefecture, Japan


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Simon Weedon
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