General Union:

Health Insurance and Pensions Seminar

Date: Sunday, March 26th, 2006 Time: 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Speaker: General Union

There will be a General Union seminar open to members and non-members wanting a better understanding of the Japanese health and pension system on Sunday, March 26th, 2.30 - 4.30 pm at the General Union Office in Temmabashi, Osaka. Discussion will include:
a) The differences between the national and employer provided health and pension systems (kokumin kenko hoken and shakai hoken).
b)The differences between the shakai hoken system and private insurance policies.
c)Our legal responsibilities in regards to health and pension, and the 'illegality' of health policies sold to foreign residents.
d) Refunds of pension premiums when leaving Japan.
e) Pension treaties between Japan and other countries.
For more details call 06-6352-9619 or access the union's website for a map,

Organization: GU (the General Union) (General Union)

Cost: free

Venue: Osaka-shi, Kita-ku, Temma 1-6-8, Rokko Temma Biru 201

Location: Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture, Japan


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Contact General Union


General Union Office
Email QR Code:

Phone (work): 06-6352-9619