ETJ Kagoshima:

Creativity with Rhythm in the EFL Classroom

Date: Sunday, March 18th, 2007 Time: 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Speaker: Melinda Kawahara

The natural intonation and stresses of English words follow a very rhythmical sound. As teachers we want our students to have natural English pronunciation and long retention. We can do this through rhythm and chants. In this workshop, the presenter will share chants that she has created from her experience playing Japanese drums. She'll demonstrate how you can use such chants in your classroom to teach vocabulary and sentence structures in natural English.

If anyone else wishes to give a short presentation, on a similar topic, at this workshop, then please contact David Lisgo before the meeting and he will allot some time for you. Also, if anyone wishes to give a longer presentation on any topic related to the teaching of English to young people, then please contact him with the view to speaking at a future meeting.

For your convenience, a map has been placed in the files section of the ETJ Kagoshima website. There will be a short committee meeting after the workshop all members are welcome to attend. ETJ Kagoshima is a group for those teaching English to children and junior high school students. Membership is free and open to anyone who teaches English.

Organization: ETJ Kagoshima (English Teachers in Japan) (ETJ Kagoshima)

Cost: 500 yen

Venue: International Exchange Organisation, Conference Room 1st floor, Kagoshima Kenmin Kohryu Center, Yamashita-cho

Location: Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan


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Contact ETJ Kagoshima


David Lisgo
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