Saitama JALT:

Teaching in the Private Sector

Date: Sunday, February 9th, 2014 Time: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Speaker: John Finucane

This practical workshop aims to help attendees understand what expectations private schools have of their employees and the challenges these expectations create. Attendees will learn one method to be effective, efficient private school employees.

Bio: John Finucane is an EFL Professional. He is the President and co-founder of さいたま市教育家会 (SCE). He edits the Journal of Saitama City Educators (JSCE). His interests are writing, teacher training, event planning, debate, critical thinking and LEGO. Find out more at

Note: The workshop requires reservations to be the most effective. It is intended for educators who want to work in a private junior or senior high school or educators who currently work in a private junior or senior high school. RSVP to

Use This, Know That...
The Executive Board of JALT Omiya is proud to announce a new format to our monthly meetings. In addition to the lectures and workshops of our featured speakers, we will also have a new section at the beginning of each meeting know as Use This, Know That. This section will consist of a 20 minute presentation by a professor, teacher or graduate student which offers practical or theoretical insight into ESL/EFL education.

Title: Communicative Presentations
Presenter: Allison Imamura
Abstract: This presentation will explore the use of communicative activities in the classroom. Based on the article "A Framework for Assessing the Communicative Potential of Language Activities" by Leander S. Hughes, we will discuss the criteria for determining if an activity is truly communicative or not. From this starting point, an activity called Communicative Presentations will be introduced, which has been built around this framework and involves all of the students in listening and speaking in the target language.

Title: How Target-language Achievement in an Extended Study-abroad Experience relates to Perceived Identity
Presenter: Tianyi "Dani" Zong
Abstract: This presentation reports the results of a study of the "perceived identity" of International students (Chinese, n=72) studying at a Japanese university. Results indicating that Japanese, or any other language in a target society is not only a tool for communication, but a mirror for helping international students clergy their own perceived identity will be presented. Such findings will be supplemented with the presenter’s own narrative data.

Organization: Saitama Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (Saitama JALT)

Cost: JALT Members: free
Non-members: 1,000 yen

Venue: Harigaya Kouminkan

Location: Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture, Japan


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