West Tokyo JALT:

The Joy of Stories: Extensive Reading and Story Telling (Presentations about young learners ages 5 to 18); followed by Pizza Party

Date: Saturday, April 14th, 2018 Time: 2:00 AM - 5:00 AM

Speaker: Chiyuki Yanase and Patricia Daly Oe (Sponsored by Macmillan Education Japan)

Chiyuki Yanase will open the workshop by discussing how to facilitate and set up an effective Extensive Reading program for young learners using graded readers as well as picture books within various institutional contexts from small classrooms to large ones. Participants will then be invited to experience interactive shared reading as well as a number of different activities using graded readers from her school's Extensive Reading library. Participants will be encouraged to set up a reading library in their classes to develop students' literacy skills and feel the joy of reading.

Patricia Daly Oe will then introduce the diverse ways that picture books can be used for all age groups from babies and on. Using many examples based on her own picture books, other published picture books and other storytelling materials, Patricia will demonstrate activities that work well with each age group, with participants taking part in some. They will also have the opportunity to experience storytelling activities used in classes for junior and senior high school students, to work on their own stories or skits and to present them.

Organization: West Tokyo Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (West Tokyo JALT)

Cost: free

Venue: Tamadaira no Mori Fureaikan / Tamadaira Koryu Center, Hino City, Tokyo map

Location: Hino City, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan


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