Japan Intercultural Institute:

Intercultural Confidence Workshop

Date: Sunday, January 14th, 2007 Time: 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Speaker: Joseph Shaules

Having intercultural confidence means being comfortable in unknown situations and when communicating in a foreign language. Stress decreases communicative effectiveness. Feeling at ease allows you to take advantage of all of your communicative resources. In this workshop, participants will gain communicative confidence in a foreign language, learn to evaluate and mangage intercultural stress, practice cultural 'code switching,' and more. This workshop will be bilingual. Japanese participants will practice English communication skills while non-Japanese participants will practice Japanese communication skills. The goal is for participants to take full advantage of their communicative resources and to gain confidence when communicating across cultures. Activities will be fun, but challenging!

Organization: Japan Intercultural Institute

Cost: JII Members: 4000 yen (2000 yen for students)
Non-members: 9000 yen

Venue: Shirayuri College

Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan


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Contact Japan Intercultural Institute

Website: www.japanintercultural.org

Joseph Shaules
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