EventsKantoKanagawa Prefecture › Odawara City

ELT Calendar for Odawara City

Events of professional interest to language teachers in Odawara City.


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Groups Active In Odawara City

Listed in decreasing order by the number of events on ELT Calendar by each group in Odawara City. (The ELT Calendar database goes back to 2001.)

Past Events in Odawara City

Here are some of the past events in Odawara City.

Lifelong Language Learning Conference
Date: June 13th (Sunday) 2004
Speaker: LIOJ, JALT and ETJ members
Organization: Yokohama JALT
First line of description: In this "Lifelong Language Learning" joint conference, speakers from the Kanagawa, Kanto and Shizuoka areas will give a sneak preview of presentations that may be seen at the National JALT conference (in the fall of 2004).

LIOJ MiniConference: Creative Teaching Ideas
Date: June 8th (Sunday) 2003
Speaker: Various LIOJ staff and area teachers
Organization: Yokohama JALT
First line of description: LIOJ is Language Institute of Japan, a private English language institute supported by Zaidan Hojin MRA House, a non-profit educational foundation.

Centering the teaching-learning process on students
Date: October 27th (Sunday) 2002
Speaker: Sachiko Ueda, Miho Junior High School
Organization: ETJ Odawara
First line of description: ETJ (English Teachers in Japan) Group Meetings focus on the needs of teachers of children and young learners.

Two workshops for language teachers
Date: June 16th (Sunday) 2002
Speaker: Tom Anderson, Stephen Shrader
Organization: Yokohama JALT
First line of description: The two workshops are titled "Creating Confident Creative Conversationalists", by Tom Anderson, and "Elements of Course Design: Starting from Scratch", by Stephen Shrader, Language Institute of Japan.

Warm-up Activities for EFL Classes
Date: December 2nd (Sunday) 2001
Speaker: Jim Kahny, Language Institute of Japan (director)
Organization: ETJ Odawara
First line of description: In this workshop, Jim Kahny will present useful warm-up activities for your language classes.

Classroom Rubrics: How to Increase Authentic Student-Student Communication in the Classroom
Date: June 10th (Sunday) 2001
Speaker: Dave Hough
Organization: Yokohama JALT
First line of description: This workshop looks at rubrics (also known as metalanguage or simply classroom language) as a place where teachers can increase the amount of time spent on authentic communication in the classroom.

Games and Activities for Children and Junior High Students
Date: May 27th (Sunday) 2001
Speaker: Various
Organization: ETJ Odawara
First line of description: Share ideas, discover games and activities, meet other teachers.